Events of ISwpTrmIf_1

Events are mainly when the terminal sends request to the sale system. See also the callback EventCallback

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The events may be replaced by the EventCallback


OnTerminalDisplay occurs when the terminal sends a display request to the sale system. The event is only relevant if running as a server. A DisplayRequest is simply the message indicating what is shown in the terminal display, with the purpose of helping the operator to understand what is happening.

delegate void TerminalDisplayEventHandler(string message)


OnNewStatus occurs when status changes according to TrmStatus shown below or if a CardInsterted or CardRemoved event notification is sent from terminal. When using Async calls these statuses are not really needed. Event notifications from terminal are only relevant if running as a server.

delegate void NewStatusEventHandler(**TrmStatus** status)

enum TrmStatus { Initialized, Open, WaitForPaymentInstrument, CustomerKnown, PaymentStarted, CardInserted, CardRemoved, Closed };


OnTerminalAddressObtained occurs when the save button has been pressed in the terminal’s admin menu. The purpose is to inform the sale system of the terminal’s IP address and port. This way it is possible to configure the address to the terminal without logging in to the sale system. The event is only relevant when running as a server.

delegate void TerminalAddressEventHandler(string ip4, int port)