Payment Methods v1


Payment Methods v1 is our off-the-rack assortment of possibilities. Pick the one(s) you like. You can pick and choose among them to tailor a package best suited for your business.

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Is Card the only payment method you need? Go for Card only. Do you want Card and Invoice? Implement Card and Invoice. Want them all? Have them all. Each payment method is set up with a separate contract and integration.

Choose between our easy-to-use PCI compliant platforms Redirect or Seamless View. Our payment mehods and their platform availability are listed in the table below.

  Payment Method Seamless View Redirect Direct API Region
credit_card Card Payments check check   EarthIcon
insert_drive_file Swedbank Pay Invoice check check  
Vipps Vipps check check  
Swish Swish check check check
MobilePay Mobile Pay   check  
Trustly Trustly check check  


To start integrating Swedbank Pay Payments, you need the following:

  • An HTTPS enabled web server.
  • An agreement which includes Swedbank Pay Payments.
  • Credentials (Merchant Access Token) from Swedbank Pay retrieved from the Merchant Portal.

Platform Options

Here are the two platform options at a glance. You can read more about the integration process by visiting the sections for each payment method.

Seamless View

With Seamless Views you can initiate the payment process directly in an iframe on your site. If you prefer that the payer isn’t redirected away from you, this option enables you to embed our payment page seamlessly into your shopping experience.


The Redirect platform redirects the payer to a Swedbank Pay hosted payment page, and back to your page when the payment is completed.

The Fundamentals


All Payments APIs in the Swedbank Pay API Platform share a common foundation with a similar payment process for all payment methods, reducing complexity and enabling a more straightforward integration.

There are two main payment types, two-phase and one-phase payments. The two seem very similar from a payer’s point of view, but there are key differences you should know about.

Two-Phase Payments

A two-phase payment is performed in two steps – an authorization which reserves the payer’s funds, and a capture of the funds at a later time, usually when the goods are shipped.

This is the most common payment type, and it is used by Card Payments, Vipps Payments, MobilePay payments and Invoice Payments. A capture of an invoice will not capture any funds, but trigger the invoice distribution and send it to the payer.

The payment methods that support two-phase payments are:

One-Phase Payments

There are two types of one-phase payments – sale and autoCapture.

sale is used by payment methods such as Swish. These payments will have a sale transaction instead of the authorization and capture. The funds will be captured from the payer straight away.

autoCapture is only available for Card Payments. The mechanics work the same way as a two-phase payment, with two separate transactions – one for the authorization and one for the capture.

As the name implies, the capture transaction is performed automatically when the authorization is successful. Because of this, autoCapture should only be used when dealing with digital products, since they are shipped instantly.

As the funds are captured instantly, cancel is not available for either of the one-phase payments. abort and reversal can be performed the same way as with two-phase payments.

The payment methods that support one-phase payments are:

The Payment Object

The payment is the container object that holds all transactions created during the payment process. When Swedbank Pay receives the payment request body (in JSON format), a payment is created and you will be given a unique payment ID in return. The response also includes (in a true RESTful way) the URLs and operations for further actions, given the state of the payment.

After creating a payment, you can:

  • Authorize funds. An authorization transaction reserves the funds. It is possible to abort a payment before the payer has completed the payment process. And either:
  • Capture funds. Before delivering the merchandise you need to create a capture transaction to ensure that the money is charged from the payer’s card or properly billed by invoice. One-phase payments will combine these two in a sale or autoCapture transaction as described in the section above.


  • Cancel the authorized amount. Funds that are authorized but not yet captured, can be released back to the payer. This is done by creating a cancel transaction. This is not available for one-phase payments.
  • Reverse captured funds. In some cases you may need to make a reversal of captured funds. This is achieved by creating a reversal transaction.

All actions after creating the payment can be done by using our APIs, or from our Merchant Portal tool. abort is only available when using APIs.