

Redirect is the simplest integration that lets Swedbank Pay handle the payments, while you handle your core activities. When ready to pay, the payer will be redirected to a secure Swedbank Pay hosted site. Finally, the payer will be redirected back to your website after the payment process.

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When properly set up in your merchant/webshop site and the payer starts the purchase process, you need to make a POST request towards Swedbank Pay with your Purchase information. This will generate a payment object with a unique paymentID. You will receive a redirect URL to a Swedbank Pay payment page.

Step 1: Create A Purchase

A Purchase payment is a straightforward way to charge the card of the payer. It is followed up by posting a capture, cancellation or reversal transaction.

An example of an abbreviated POST request is provided below. Each individual field of the JSON document is described in the following section. An example of an expanded POST request is available in the other features section.


Callback URL: It is mandatory to set a callbackUrl in the POST request creating the payment. When callbackUrl is set, Swedbank Pay will send a POST request to this URL when the payer has fulfilled the payment. Upon receiving this POST request, a subsequent GET request towards the id of the payment generated initially must be made to receive the state of the transaction.


To minimize the risk for a challenge request (Strong Customer Authentication – “SCA”) on card payments, it’s recommended that you add as much data as possible to the riskIndicator object in the request below.


GDPR: GDPR sensitive data such as email, phone numbers and social security numbers must not be used directly in request fields such as payerReference. If it is necessary to use GDPR sensitive data, it must be hashed and then the hash can be used in requests towards Swedbank Pay.


A Purchase payment is a straightforward way to charge the card of the payer. It is followed up by posting a capture, cancellation or reversal transaction. An example of a request is provided below. Each individual field of the JSON document is described in the following section.

Purchase Operation

Posting a payment (operation Purchase) returns the options of aborting the payment altogether or creating an authorization transaction through the redirect-authorization hyperlink.


    "payment": {
        "operation": "Purchase"

Card Payment Request


POST /psp/creditcard/payments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>
Content-Type: application/json
    "payment": {
        "operation": "Purchase",
        "intent": "Authorization",
        "currency": "SEK",
        "prices": [{
                "type": "CreditCard",
                "amount": 1500,
                "vatAmount": 0
        "description": "Test Purchase",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0...",
        "language": "sv-SE",
        "urls": { 
            "completeUrl": "",
            "cancelUrl": "",
            "callbackUrl": "",
            "logoUrl": "",
            "termsOfServiceUrl": "",
        "payeeInfo": {
            "payeeId": "5cabf558-5283-482f-b252-4d58e06f6f3b",
            "payeeReference": "CD1234",
            "payeeName": "Merchant1",
            "productCategory": "A123",
            "orderReference": "or123",
            "subsite": "mySubsite"
        "payer": {
            "payerReference": "AB1234",
        "cardholder": {
            "firstName": "Olivia",
            "lastName": "Nyhuus",
            "email": "",
            "msisdn": "+4798765432",
            "homePhoneNumber": "+4787654321",
            "workPhoneNumber": "+4776543210",
            "shippingAddress": {
                "firstName": "Olivia",
                "lastName": "Nyhuus",
                "email": "",
                "msisdn": "+4798765432",
                "streetAddress": "Saltnestoppen 43",
                "coAddress": "",
                "city": "Saltnes",
                "zipCode": "1642",
                "countryCode": "NO"
        "riskIndicator": {
            "deliveryEmailAddress": "",
            "deliveryTimeFrameIndicator": "01",
            "preOrderDate": "19801231",
            "preOrderPurchaseIndicator": "01",
            "shipIndicator": "01",
            "giftCardPurchase": false,
            "reOrderPurchaseIndicator": "01",
            "pickUpAddress": {
                "name": "Olivia Nyhuus",
                "streetAddress": "Saltnestoppen 43",
                "coAddress": "",
                "city": "Saltnes",
                "zipCode": "1642",
                "countryCode": "NO"
Required Field Type Description
check payment object The payment object
check operation string Determines the initial operation, defining the type of payment order created.
check intent string Authorization. Reserves the amount, and is followed by a Cancel or Capture of funds.

AutoCapture. A one phase option that enables the Capture of funds automatically after authorization.
  paymentToken string If a paymentToken is included in the request, the card details stored in the paymentToken will be prefilled on the payment page. The payer still has to enter the cvc to complete the purchase. This is called a “One Click” purchase.
check currency string NOK, SEK, DKK, USD or EUR.
check prices array The prices resource lists the prices related to a specific payment.
check type string Use the value ``.See the prices resource for more information.
check amount integer The transaction amount (including VAT, if any) entered in the lowest monetary unit of the selected currency. E.g.: 10000 = 100.00 SEK, 5000 = 50.00 SEK.
check vatAmount integer The payment’s VAT (Value Added Tax) amount, entered in the lowest monetary unit of the selected currency. E.g.: 10000 = 100.00 SEK, 5000 = 50.00 SEK. The vatAmount entered will not affect the amount shown on the payment page, which only shows the total amount. This field is used to specify how much of the total amount the VAT will be. Set to 0 (zero) if there is no VAT amount charged.
check description string(40) A textual description of the purchase. Maximum length is 40 characters.
  generatePaymentToken boolean true or false. Set this to true if you want to create a paymentToken for future use as One Click.
  generateRecurrenceToken boolean true or false. Set this to true if you want to create a recurrenceToken for future use Recurring purchases (subscription payments).
check userAgent string The user agent of the payer. Should typically be set to the value of the User-Agent header sent by the payer’s web browser.
check language string sv-SE, nb-NO, da-DK, de-DE, ee-EE, en-US, es-ES, fr-FR, lv-LV, lt-LT, ru-RU or fi-FI.
check urls object The object containing URLs relevant for the payment.
check completeUrl string The URL that Swedbank Pay will redirect back to when the payer has completed their interactions with the payment. This does not indicate a successful payment, only that it has reached a final (complete) state. A GET request needs to be performed on the payment to inspect it further. See completeUrl for details.
check cancelUrl string The URL to redirect the payer to if the payment is cancelled. Only used in redirect scenarios. Can not be used simultaneously with paymentUrl; only cancelUrl or paymentUrl can be used, not both.
  paymentUrl string The paymentUrl represents the URL that Swedbank Pay will redirect back to when the view-operation needs to be loaded, to inspect and act on the current status of the payment, such as when the payer is redirected out of the Seamless View (the <iframe>) and sent back after completing the payment. paymentUrl is only used in Seamless Views and should point to the page of where the Payment Order Seamless View is hosted. If both cancelUrl and paymentUrl is sent, the paymentUrl will used.
  callbackUrl string The URL that Swedbank Pay will perform an HTTP POST against every time a transaction is created on the payment. See callback for details.
  logoUrl string The URL that will be used for showing the customer logo. It must be a picture with maximum 50px height and 400px width. HTTPS is required.
  termsOfServiceUrl string The URL to the terms of service document which the payer must accept in order to complete the payment. HTTPS is a requirement.
check payeeInfo object The payeeInfo object, containing information about the payee (the recipient of the money). See payeeInfo for details.
check payeeId string This is the unique id that identifies this payee (like merchant) set by Swedbank Pay.
check payeeReference string A unique reference from the merchant system. Set per operation to ensure an exactly-once delivery of a transactional operation. Length and content validation depends on whether the transaction.number or the payeeReference is sent to the acquirer. If Swedbank Pay handles the settlement, the transaction.number is sent and the payeeReference must be in the format of A-Za-z0-9 and string(50). If you handle the settlement, Swedbank Pay will send the payeeReference and it will be limited to the format of string(12). All characters must be digits.
  payeeName string The payee name (like merchant name) that will be displayed when redirected to Swedbank Pay.
  productCategory string(50) A product category or number sent in from the payee/merchant. This is not validated by Swedbank Pay, but will be passed through the payment process and may be used in the settlement process.
  orderReference string(50) The order reference should reflect the order reference found in the merchant’s systems.
  subsite string(40) The subsite field can be used to perform a split settlement on the payment. The different subsite values must be resolved with Swedbank Pay reconciliation before being used. If you send in an unknown subsite value, it will be ignored and the payment will be settled using the merchant’s default settlement account. Must be in the format of A-Za-z0-9.
  payer string The payer object, containing information about the payer.
  payerReference string The reference to the payer from the merchant system, like e-mail address, mobile number, customer number etc. Mandatory if generateRecurrenceToken, RecurrenceToken, generatePaymentToken or paymentToken is true.
  metadata object A unique reference from the merchant system. Set per operation to ensure an exactly-once delivery of a transactional operation. Length and content validation depends on whether the transaction.number or the payeeReference is sent to the acquirer. If Swedbank Pay handles the settlement, the transaction.number is sent and the payeeReference must be in the format of A-Za-z0-9 and string(50). If you handle the settlement, Swedbank Pay will send the payeeReference and it will be limited to the format of string(12). All characters must be digits.
  cardholder object Optional. Cardholder object that can hold information about a buyer (private or company). The information added increases the chance for frictionless flow and is related to 3-D Secure 2.0..
  firstName string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set). If buyer is a company, use only firstName.
  lastName string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set). If buyer is a company, use only firstName.
  email string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  msisdn string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  homePhoneNumber string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  workPhoneNumber string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  shippingAddress object Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  firstName string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  lastName string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  email string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  msisdn string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  streetAddress string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  coAddress string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  city string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  zipCode string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  countryCode string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  billingAddress object Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  firstName string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set). If buyer is a company, use only firstName.
  lastName string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set). If buyer is a company, use only firstName.
  email string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  msisdn string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  streetAddress string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  coAddress string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  city string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  zipCode string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  countryCode string Optional (increased chance for frictionless flow if set)
  riskIndicator array This optional object consist of information that helps verifying the payer. Providing these fields decreases the likelihood of having to prompt for 3-D Secure 2.0 authentication of the payer when they are authenticating the purchase.
  deliveryEmailAdress string For electronic delivery, the email address to which the merchandise was delivered. Providing this field when appropriate decreases the likelihood of a 3-D Secure authentication for the payer.
  deliveryTimeFrameIndicator string Indicates the merchandise delivery timeframe.
01 (Electronic Delivery)
02 (Same day shipping)
03 (Overnight shipping)
04 (Two-day or more shipping)
  preOrderDate string For a pre-ordered purchase. The expected date that the merchandise will be available. Format: YYYYMMDD
  preOrderPurchaseIndicator string Indicates whether the payer is placing an order for merchandise with a future availability or release date.
01 (Merchandise available)
02 (Future availability)
  shipIndicator string Indicates shipping method chosen for the transaction.
01 (Ship to cardholder’s billing address)
02 (Ship to another verified address on file with merchant)
03 (Ship to address that is different than cardholder’s billing address)
04 (Ship to Store / Pick-up at local store. Store address shall be populated in shipping address fields)
05 (Digital goods, includes online services, electronic giftcards and redemption codes)
06 (Travel and Event tickets, not shipped)
07 (Other, e.g. gaming, digital service)
  giftCardPurchase bool true if this is a purchase of a gift card.
  reOrderPurchaseIndicator string Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise.
01 (First time ordered)
02 (Reordered).
  pickUpAddress object If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers pickUpAddress of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase.
  name string If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers name of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase.
  streetAddress string If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers streetAddress of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase. Maximum 50 characters long.
  coAddress string If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers coAddress of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase.
  city string If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers city of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase.
  zipCode string If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers zipCode of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase.
  countryCode string If shipIndicator set to 04, then prefill this with the payers countryCode of the purchase to decrease the risk factor of the purchase.

Card Payment Response


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "payment": {
        "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1",
        "number": 1234567890,
        "instrument": "CreditCard",
        "created": "2016-09-14T13:21:29.3182115Z",
        "updated": "2016-09-14T13:21:57.6627579Z",
        "state": "Ready",
        "operation": "Purchase",
        "intent": "Authorization",
        "currency": "SEK",
        "amount": 0,
        "remainingCaptureAmount": 1500,
        "remainingCancellationAmount": 1500,
        "remainingReversalAmount": 0,
        "description": "Test Purchase",
        "initiatingSystemUserAgent": "swedbankpay-sdk-dotnet/3.0.1",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0...",
        "language": "sv-SE",
        "prices": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/prices" },
        "transactions": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/transactions" },
        "authorizations": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/authorizations" },
        "captures": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/captures" },
        "reversals": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/reversals" },
        "cancellations": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/cancellations" },
        "urls": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/urls" },
        "payeeInfo": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/payeeInfo" },
        "payers": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/payers" },
        "settings": { "id": "/psp/creditcard/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/settings" }
    "operations": [
            "rel": "update-payment-abort",
            "href": "",
            "method": "PATCH",
            "contentType": "application/json"
            "rel": "redirect-authorization",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "contentType": "text/html"
            "rel": "view-authorization",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "contentType": "application/javascript"
            "rel": "view-payment",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "contentType": "application/javascript"
            "rel": "direct-authorization",
            "href": "",
            "method": "POST",
            "contentType": "application/json"
Field Type Description
payment object The payment object contains information about the specific payment.
id string The relative URL and unique identifier of the payment resource . Please read about URL Usage to understand how this and other URLs should be used in your solution.
number integer The payment number, useful when there’s need to reference the payment in human communication. Not usable for programmatic identification of the payment, where id should be used instead.
created string The ISO-8601 date of when the payment was created.
updated string The ISO-8601 date of when the payment was updated.
state string Ready, Pending, Failed or Aborted. Indicates the state of the payment, not the state of any transactions performed on the payment. To find the state of the payment’s transactions (such as a successful authorization), see the transactions resource or the different specialized type-specific resources such as authorizations or sales.
prices object The prices resource lists the prices related to a specific payment.
id string The relative URL and unique identifier of the prices resource . Please read about URL Usage to understand how this and other URLs should be used in your solution.
amount integer The transaction amount (including VAT, if any) entered in the lowest monetary unit of the selected currency. E.g.: 10000 = 100.00 SEK, 5000 = 50.00 SEK.
remainingCaptureAmount integer The available amount to capture.
remainingCancelAmount integer The available amount to cancel.
remainingReversalAmount integer The available amount to reverse.
description string(40) A textual description of the purchase. Maximum length is 40 characters.
userAgent string The user agent of the payer. Should typically be set to the value of the User-Agent header sent by the payer’s web browser.
language string sv-SE, nb-NO, da-DK, de-DE, ee-EE, en-US, es-ES, fr-FR, lv-LV, lt-LT, ru-RU or fi-FI.
urls string The URL to the urls resource where all URLs related to the payment can be retrieved.
payeeInfo object The payeeInfo object, containing information about the payee (the recipient of the money). See payeeInfo for details.
payers string The URL to the payer resource where the information about the payer can be retrieved.
operations array The array of operations that are possible to perform on the payment in its current state.
method string The HTTP method to use when performing the operation.
href string The target URL to perform the operation against.
rel string The name of the relation the operation has to the current resource.

When you receive the redirect url from Swedbank Pay, you redirect the payer there to complete the payment. This ensures that card details and other personal information is entered in a secure environment. Swedbank Pay handles all authentication during this phase.

After an attempted payment, Swedbank Pay will redirect the Payer to one of two specified URLs: completeUrl or cancelUrl.

If the payer cancels at any point, the payer will be redirected to the cancelUrl. If the payment is followed through completely the payer will reach the completeUrl.


Important: Both successful and rejected payments are labeled as completed.

This means that when you reach this point, you need to make sure that the payment has gone through before you let the payer know that the payment was successful. You do this by doing a GET request. This request has to include the payment Id generated from the initial POST request, so that you can receive the state of the transaction.

If you have chosen Seamless View, the completeUrl and cancelUrl will display directly inside the iframe.

How It Looks

screenshot of the redirect card payment page

Transactions in the currency SEK might look like this, with a debit/credit selection available:

screenshot of the swedish redirect card payment page

Sequence Diagram

    participant Payer
    participant Merchant
    participant SwedbankPay as Swedbank Pay

    activate Payer
    Payer->>-Merchant: start purchase
    activate Merchant
    Merchant->>-SwedbankPay: POST /psp/creditcard/payments
    activate SwedbankPay
    note left of Payer: First API request
    SwedbankPay-->>-Merchant: rel: redirect-authorization ①
    activate Merchant
    Merchant-->>-Payer: Redirect to authorization page
    activate Payer
    Payer->>-SwedbankPay: Access authorization page
    activate SwedbankPay
    note left of Payer: redirect to SwedbankPay ②
    SwedbankPay-->>-Payer: Display purchase information
    activate Payer
    Payer->>Payer: Input creditcard information ③
    Payer->>-SwedbankPay: Submit creditcard information

        opt If 3-D Secure required
        note left of Payer: Authentication Challenge ④
        SwedbankPay-->>Payer: Redirect to IssuingBank
        activate Payer
        Payer->>-IssuingBank: 3-D Secure authentication process
        activate IssuingBank
        IssuingBank-->>-Payer: 3-D Secure authentication process response
        activate Payer
        Payer->>-SwedbankPay: Access authentication page
        activate SwedbankPay

    SwedbankPay-->>-Payer: Redirect to CompleteUrl ⑤
    activate Payer
    Payer->>-Merchant: Access CompleteUrl

        alt Callback is set
        activate SwedbankPay
        SwedbankPay->>SwedbankPay: Payment is updated
        SwedbankPay->>-Merchant: POST Payment Callback

    activate Merchant
    Merchant->>-SwedbankPay: GET <> ⑥
    activate SwedbankPay
    note left of Payer: Second API request
    SwedbankPay-->>-Merchant: Payment result
    activate Merchant
    Merchant-->>-Payer: Display purchase result


  • rel: redirect-authorization is the name of one of the operations, sent as a response from Swedbank Pay to the Merchant. The href in this operation is the redirect URL to a Swedbank Pay payment page.
  • ② The payer is redirected to a secure Swedbank Pay hosted page
  • ③ The payment window is presented and the payer can enter card information for authorization.
  • ④ If needed, the payer must go through an authorization challenge to verify his or hers identity.
  • ⑤ The Payer reaches the CompleteUrl which you defined in the initial POST request. Please note that both a successful and rejected payment reach completion, in contrast to a cancelled payment.
  • ⑥ Send a GET request with the paymentId to check the state of the transaction. Click the link for a complete list of payment and transaction states.

3-D Secure


No 3-D Secure and card acceptance: There are optional parameters which can be used in relation to 3-D Secure and card acceptance. Most acquiring agreements will demand that you use 3-D Secure for card holder authentication. However, if your agreement allows you to make a card payment without this authentication, or that specific cards can be declined, you may adjust these optional parameters when posting in the payment.

Swedbank Pay will handle 3-D Secure authentication when this is required. When dealing with card payments, 3-D Secure authentication of the cardholder is an essential topic. There are two alternative outcomes of a credit card payment:

  1. 3-D Secure enabled - by default, 3-D Secure should be enabled, and Swedbank Pay will check if the card is enrolled with 3-D Secure. This depends on the issuer of the card. If the card is not enrolled with 3-D Secure, no authentication of the cardholder is done.
  2. Card supports 3-D Secure - if the card is enrolled with 3-D Secure, Swedbank Pay will redirect the cardholder to the autentication mechanism that is decided by the issuing bank. Normally this will be done using BankID or Mobile BankID.