

Setting up subscriptions and recurring payments.

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Trustly Recurring

A service where payer interaction is not possible, where the payment is pulled from the payer’s bank account by sending a request to Trustly.


Please note that this feature is only available through Payment Order, and the service is asynchronous which will require a compatible implementation. Using a similar implementation to Credit Card Recur will therefore not work.


Prior to making any server-to-server requests, you need to make sure the directDebitEnabled setting in your Trustly contract is set to true. Then you need to supply the payment method details and a payment token to Swedbank Pay by initial purchase or select account verification. Note that the email field must be set, as this is a required parameter. If the email is missing, Trustly will not be available for selection from the payments menu.

If you enable callbackEnabled and send a callbackUrl, you can expect to get a callback when the payment is finised. The alternative is setting up polling to poll for a state.

There are two ways to initiate recurring payments procedures, depending on if you want to make an initial charge or not:

  • Initiate a recurring payment flow and charge the bank account. This is done by creating a “Purchase Payment” and generating a recurrence token.

  • Initiate a recurring payment flow without charging the bank account. This is done by creating a “Verify Payment” and generating a recurrence token.

Generate Recurrence Token

  • When posting a Purchase payment, you need to make sure that the field generateRecurrenceToken is set to true.

Generate Recurrence Token Field - Purchase

"generateRecurrenceToken": true
  • When posting a Verify payment, you need to make sure that the the field generateRecurrenceToken is set to true.

Generate Recurrence Token Field - Verify

"generateRecurrenceToken": true

Creating The Payment

  • You need to POST a Purchase payment / and generate a recurrence token (for later recurring use). As mentioned, the email parameter MUST be set for trustly to appear as an available option.

  • You need to POST a Verify payment / and generate a recurrence token (for later recurring use). As mentioned, the email parameter MUST be set for trustly to appear as an available option.

Delete Recurrence Token

You can delete a created recurrence token. Please see technical reference for details here.

Recurring Purchases

When you have a Recurrence token, you can use the same token in a subsequent recurring payment POST. This will be a server-to-server affair, as we have both payment method details and recurrence token from the initial payment.


A Verify payment lets you post verifications to confirm the validity of one of your bank accounts, without reserving or charging any amount. This option is often used to initiate a recurring payment flow where you do not want to charge the payer right away.