
Unscheduled Purchase

Merchant initiated transactions.

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Unscheduled Purchase


Please note that this feature is only available through Payment Order, and the service is asynchronous which will require a compatible implementation. Using a similar implementation to Credit Card Unscheduled will therefore not work.

An unscheduled purchase, also called a Merchant Initiated Transaction (MIT), is a payment which uses a paymentToken generated through a previous payment in order to charge the same card at a later time. They are done by the merchant without the user being present.

To use this, you need to make sure directDebitEnabled is true in the Trustly contract. After that you need to have the field generateUnscheduledToken set to true when creating an initial Purchase or Verify. Another important step is to make sure the email field is set, as this is a required parameter. If the email is missing, Trustly will not be available for selection from the payments menu.

If you enable callbackEnabled and send a callbackUrl, you can expect to get a callback when the payment is finished.

Creating The Payment

  • You need to POST a Purchase payment / and generate an unscheduled token (for later use). As mentioned, the email parameter MUST be set for trustly to appear as an available option

  • You need to POST a Verify payment / and generate an unscheduled token (for later use). As mentioned, the email parameter MUST be set for trustly to appear as an available option

Delete Unscheduled Token

You can delete a created unscheduled token. Please see technical reference for details here.